“Develop A Prayer Life - Part 3” Taught by Pastor Earnest Claiborn, Sr.
Don’t Play, Let’s Pray…
* According to Jesus, One hour appears to be the normal Prayer period.
-Matthew 26:40-“And he cometh unto the disciples, & findeth them
asleep, & saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me 1 hour?”.
* Caution: Don’t “Over-shoot your faith” by Jumping from not praying to
praying an hour. You have to progressively work your way up to that.
* Many of the Jews Prayed three times a Day. This should guarantee
that you don’t go a day without praying.
-Psalms 55:17- “Evening, and morning, & at noon, will I pray, and cry
aloud: and he shall hear my voice”.
* I believe today we should improve upon that pattern by Praying through-
out the whole day by developing a “Praying Spirit”.
-I Thess. 5:17- “Praying without ceasing”.
* This is not an “on your knees” type of praying, but an “in your spirit”
type of Praying.
* If any body should Pray, Preachers should definitely Pray. Preachers
need Prayer to get Anointing from God. Anointing Destroys Yokes…
* Prayerless Preaching might stir Emotions, but Anointed Preaching Saves,
Convicts, Heals, Delivers, Set free, and more.
* Prayerless Preaching causes Spiritual Decay and makes Spiritual Midgets.
* Pray-ers are given Wisdom, Knowledge, and Revelations that those
who fail or refuse to Pray will never get.
* Warning: Carnal Christians will usually oppose you, because your
prayer life condemn their lack of prayer.
* All Serious Prayers need to become Serious Bible Students, because the
more you know about God’s Word the more you can use God’s Word in
Prayer & be assure that God will hear & answer your prayer…(Discuss…)
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