"A Kingdom Single" by Evangelist LaShaunda Claiborn

 Encouragement to the Single Woman: I wrote this in first-person point of view so that the words speak directly to the reader.  

“A Kingdom Single”

I am “A Kingdom Single”.  To think of it in those terms gives much more meaning to who I am in Christ.  As a single woman, this means I not only matter to God, but I also belong to God.  I am dedicated to being faithful to God.  Just as I wouldn’t cheat on my husband, I won’t cheat on God in my finances, time, worship, and praise.  As “A Kingdom Single”, I’m fully committed to God!  The way that I treat God should tell any man how I would treat him as my husband.  I expect to serve God.  When blessed with a husband, I’ll serve him.  God doesn’t always give me everything that I ask for, but He definitely gives me what I need.  So, when my future husband tells me no to things, I won’t whine, because I know he will with the help of God, provide for me just what I need. God won’t leave me, and I don’t plan to leave God.  Therefore, my future husband should know I won’t leave him because he won’t leave me either.  

God decides to send me a husband or not send me a husband.  

Yet, one thing remains: “KINGDOM”.  

I am “A Kingdom Single”.  

If I marry, I’ll become “A Kingdom Wife”.  

Either way, I’ll forever belong to God!


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