“5 Reasons God May Be Delaying” by Dr. Hazel A. Claiborn

-It is so challenging to face delays. 

-Waiting is not easy when you are in a crisis, pain, sick, lonely, discouraged, overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, grieving, broke, anxious, etc.

- john ch 3 teaches us that we can hang on in a crisis- 

Jesus gets word that Lazarus is terminally ill but stays 2 more days…

-Is delays, a denial? Not always.

“5 Reasons God may be Delaying

Reason #1- god might be delaying his answer because you are not ready to receive it.  

Phil 1:6 “god will continue helping you until the work is complete”

-You can’t see it, but god is working behind the scenes of “your issues/ your request”- you may not see it but have faith and trust him

-have you ever thought, that you may not be ready for the answer god has for you? So, perhaps God is working to make sure you are ready when the answer comes.

Reason #2- god might be protecting you from something harmful.

Psalms 3:3- …god is a shield, our glory, and the lifter of our heads

-god knows everything about everything. He knows you too.

He knows those you are praying about, happenings, places, life events before they occur, etc.…

-god wants circumstances/people in our lives that will further “his work” & that will help you accomplish “his will” (not your will)

-romans 8:28 – “and we know that all that happens to us is working for our good, if we love god and are fitting into his plans” the living bible.

Reason #3- god might be delaying his answer because of his timing.

-god’s never early, never late, but always on time.  God’s timing often feels longer than our timing but at the right time god will do it!!!

Isa 55:8a “this plan of mine is not what you would work out, neither are my thoughts the same as yours…”

-god timing has an eternal perspective. He knows the past, present, and future. What do we know? Nothing compared to god.

-god delays might be because the answer you seek is not in his timing yet.

Perhaps he wants to stretch your faith.

-No matter how terrible, impossible the situation feels, it may appear to you there is no help, no hope, and no answer- but god will see you through this and he alone has the final say!

-You have put a “period” on this thing, but god has put a “comma” on it. It’s not over. (that marriage, relationship, job, health, future, etc)

-Lazarus was dead for 4 days. Martha put a period on it. But it was not over. God put an exclamation point it; when the timing was right!!!

-God will take your dead situation and resurrect it; if you trust him!!!

Reason #4- god might be delaying his answer in order to grow your faith.  

James 1:2-4-Is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow, and don’t try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete” TLB

-testing of faith produces steadfastness- loyalty, commitment, dedication, determination, dependability, devotion, faithfulness, etc…

-Our faith, our character, and our understanding of god can grow dramatically when we learn to trust him in our delays.

-Ps 119:34 ‘Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart”

-Your character is what you really are, while your reputation is what others think you are.

Reason #5- god might be delaying his answer ;in order to give you a “new direction”

Col 1:9 “… be filled with the knowledge of “his will”

-pray & asking god to help you understand what he wants you to do

 -ask him to make you wise about spiritual things

-pray that the way you live; will always please and honor the lord

-perhaps god is redirecting you.-seek “his will” in this matter

-you may be praying in “one direction” but he wants you to pray in a different direction

- or perhaps,the delay may be a “gentle” way of saying “no”

- “no”, this is not my will

- “no”, this is not my timing

- “no, this is not my direction

- “no”, I have something/someone better for you!

-trust god. He loves you. He wants what’s best for you. 

You are not alone. God has not forgotten or forsaken you. 
